Posts Tagged ‘Robert Cialdini’

Note to CMO: Ten Ways to Optimize Returns on Integrated Marketing Campaigns Using the Social Psychology of Influence

TweetDear CMO: Just a “post-it” today, but an important one. Here’s 10 plus 1 on how to maximize your returns on integrated marketing campaigns by working smarter. 1. Gifts are always more valuable than rewards. Ask yourself what you can do for your target before you look for ways to profit from them. Can you […]

Note to CMO: Influence, Money & Changing Behavior

Tweet Dear CMO: It’s counter-intuitive, I know, but money rarely changes anything. Certainly not behavior. Look at lottery winners. Or Scarface. Martina Navratilova has the best quote about money, summing it up thusly: “Money can’t buy happiness, but it does make misery much more tolerable.” There you go. Money changes very little in the way […]

Note to CMO: Selling Marketing to Non-Marketers (Abridged)

TweetDear CMO: You and I have seen this movie a thousand times. Someone with little comfort in the marketing discipline says, “we don’t need to do ‘marketing’… this is what my sales people are supposed to do all day long…” One of several things probably happens to you at a time like this. The twitch comes back. You slowly […]

Note to CMO: Don’t Fall in Love with Typeface

TweetDear CMO: I had the chance to catch up with writer, inventor, speaker and philosopher Roger van Oech on the phone last week. Roger has been very helpful in shepherding Killing Giants along, which is a euphemistic expression for ‘keeping me on track.’ In his gentle manner, Roger warned me about the pitfalls of what Robert […]

Note to CMO: Separating Leaders from Ideas (and the Aikido of Consistency)

TweetDear CMO: Once our snap judgments paint the Rorschach test-like image of a person or an idea in our minds, it’s hard for us to objectively change our minds. If a new player is deemed to be “good,” then they are given wider latitude and their actions are viewed with more forgiveness than those deemed, […]