Posts Tagged ‘marketing strategy’

Everything Wrong with Marketing in 30 Seconds

Tweet  Why do we even make commercials anymore? Will it sell more burgers? Who can say. That’s frankly all that matters in the world of Jack In The Box advertising, as I’m sure their franchisees would agree. So let me briefly step into the somewhat unfamiliar role of Ad Critic – a sub-species of social […]

How to Out-Maneuver Goliath’s Lawyers

Tweet What happens when Goliath maneuvers you into court? I’ve spoken to a good number of entrepreneurial groups since Killing Giants: 10 Strategies to Topple the Goliath In Your Industry launched in March, and this question has come up a few times. Giants have more lawyers than you do, can afford to spend more legal […]

Three Things You Can Change Today to Topple the Goliath You Face

TweetA week and a half after launching Killing Giants: 10 Strategies to Topple the Goliath In Your Industry, I’ve learned three important lessons. First, I have a supportive group of friends. Thanks for everything – all of you – from subtle forms of encouragement to sending me a carton of books (my books, that you’ve […]

Edgy is a Tattoo: The Power of Provocative Brands and Why We Fall for “Lovable Rogues”

TweetIt’s hard not to love a company that isn’t afraid to push boundaries. We like people who stand up for what they believe in, who flirt with controversy and who never, ever panic and retreat at the first sign of public push-back. Do you respect these guys? Remember Verizon’s hasty retreat? Gap and their logo […]

The 5 Things Sales and Marketing People Need to Do When Demand Outstrips Supply

Tweet What a problem to have, you’re probably thinking. I don’t have enough product to meet my current demand! I wish I had more to sell, but I don’t. So why would I have to spend a nickel on consumer engagement? And why shouldn’t I tell me channel parterns to sit down and hang on? […]