Posts Tagged ‘marketing strategy’

Re-Labeling Isn’t Re-Branding (And Corn Sugar Is Still High Fructose Corn Syrup)

Tweet It’s not high fructose corn syrup, it’s “corn sugar” – you know, just like “cane sugar”! It sounds so close that it must be OK. But it’s not. It’s high fructose corn syrup called by another name. There is no such thing as global warming – it’s “climate change”! This gives us the needed […]

It Isn’t About the Tools. Sorry.

Tweet  I was asked to participate in the Future of Marketing Virtual Conference the other day – it ran yesterday and today – which was comprised of 60 marketing thinkers given 60 seconds each to comment on what they thought the future of marketing was all about. On my end, the audio was a bit […]

Why All (Bad) Marketing Research Is Wrong

Tweet The signs are there long before the damage is apparent to the naked eye. Cracks appear and we don’t see them for the impending disaster they are because we’re caught up in the here and now, accepting each new productivity device and cost-saving service as great leaps forward. But each has a cost and […]

The GAP Logo Fiasco: Lacking the Guts to Ignore Your Critics or a Model of Sloppy Work?

TweetI’m disappointed with GAP. I’m not sure exactly why, but regardless, I am. First of all, I like GAP. I like their look, their stores and their clothes. I’m wearing a GAP T right now (black, no pocket). But coming from twenty or so years of marketing for a living, often heading up departments of […]

The Difference Between “How” Brands and “What” Brands

Tweet “Given them what they want – just not the way they expect to get it.” Robert McKee, as told to us in his 3 day Story Seminar.  The How, Not the What. Brands that have lasting impact aren’t the ones that focus on the what. The what gets commoditized pretty quickly. What is the intellectual […]