Posts Tagged ‘Uncategorized’

Note to CMO: Up Cards, Down Cards, and How Texas Hold’em Teaches You Marketing

TweetDear CMO: In Texas Hold ‘Em, you’ve got up cards — ones that everyone can see — and down cards — the ones that are face down, that only you can see. Same as in marketing. We all have the obvious, the face-value, and the surface issues. I want performance. I want a lower cost. […]

Note to CMO: Nine Rules for 2009

Tweet Dear CMO: It’s that time of year, when pundits of all shapes, readerships and sizes put their prognostications out for all to see. We won’t spend too much time on last year’s resolutions for fear of dwelling on the past. Next question, please. If a quick glance at Drudge tells us anything, it’s not […]

Note to CMO: Selling Marketing to Non-Marketers (Abridged)

TweetDear CMO: You and I have seen this movie a thousand times. Someone with little comfort in the marketing discipline says, “we don’t need to do ‘marketing’… this is what my sales people are supposed to do all day long…” One of several things probably happens to you at a time like this. The twitch comes back. You slowly […]

Note to CMO: Competing on Price. Yes, on Price.

Tweet Dear CMO: Why do people say “discount” like it’s a bad word? This is nonsense. If you’re in a price elastic market and occasionally sell your wares to non-millionaire playboys, pricing is often the difference between window shopping and revenue. We don’t always have to confuse “marketing” with “premium positioning,” although this happens more […]

Note to CMO: Don’t Fall in Love with Typeface

TweetDear CMO: I had the chance to catch up with writer, inventor, speaker and philosopher Roger van Oech on the phone last week. Roger has been very helpful in shepherding Killing Giants along, which is a euphemistic expression for ‘keeping me on track.’ In his gentle manner, Roger warned me about the pitfalls of what Robert […]