Note to CMO: Marketing the Little Stuff

Dear CMO: The artboards adorning your office are works of art, delicate balances of light and shadow, power and emotion. They make cultural icons of products and heroes of wise purchasing decision-makers. Product is king, long copy sells, white space above all, and less is more. The thunderous imminent consumer ground-swell will certainly float generations […]

Note to CMO: You, Your Passport, and Asian Retail

Dear CMO: You may have heard rumors that there are potential customers for your products outside the borders of the United States. These reports, unsettling as they may be, are true. Their potential, however, is up for debate. Many do not speak English, may require more of you than your current customers do, and may […]

Note to CMO: Vanilla Retail

Dear CMO: You know what makes Baskin-Robbins so great? The thirty other flavors. Vanilla is supposed to be safe, less-than-exciting, basic. A post-Seinfeld, “thanks, I’ll just have the salad” sort of choice. It shouldn’t apply to your account management strategy. Which brings us to retail. Vanilla means you’ve shown up, put your name tag on, […]

Note to CMO: Marketing, Movies and Money

Dear CMO: Congratulations are in order, I believe, for your recently announced multi-tiered, pan-regional, symbiotic multi-picture licensing deal. I’m sure your Hollywood-insider-agency has represented your interests well and has taken your financial interests to heart so you won’t get fleeced before it’s all over. Yes, fleeced is a harsh word and an unfortunately often unavoidable […]

Note to CMO: It’s about Marketing, not Advertising

Dear CMO: I know Power Point and email are waiting, but I was hoping you could clear something up for me. Since when did “CMO” begin standing for “Chief Advertising Officer”? Sure, we all aspire to direct, but for now remember that your job is about selling stuff. Marketing is the science of predicting the […]