Posts Tagged ‘social media’

Nota al CMO: Il Futuro della Lingua

TweetCher CMO: Une chose drôle s’est produite l’autre jour que j’ai pensé ferais un poteau fortement approprié de blog. Regardant par Technorati, j’ai noté qu’un lien d’un blogger que j’ai au début pensé blogging de France. Car elle s’est avérée, il était un Canadien français, soutenant un morceau que j’avais écrit dessus, naturellement, blogging. {Dear […]

Note to CMO: the T-Shirt as a Social Medium

TweetDear CMO: Spend half an hour in public and you, too, will be confronted with the reality that social media is alive and well in America. Unfortunately. No, this isn’t about blogging. Or podcasting. Not even about Twitter or YouTube or Facebook, MySpace, or anything nearly as trippy or hip as all that. It’s about […]

Note to CMO: Whole Foods and How (Not) to Hide In Plain Sight

TweetDear CMO: Dialog, “listening,” “conversations,” and a host of other tangibles and intangibles await the CMO who engages on a first-person basis with his or her constituents. We in the marketing community usually applaud company leaders who open themselves up in this fashion and talk to their customers in something other than “corporate speak.” Which […]

Note to CMO: The New 7 Wonders of the World (Wide Web)

TweetDear CMO: My brother made a side trip to Chichen Itza a few weeks ago while celebrating his 50th birthday down in Mexico. Apart from the full court press the locals put on everyone to vote for it — his trip fell during the frenzied last moments of voting — he apparently had a lot […]

Note to CMO: The Importance of Expectations

TweetDear CMO: The promise of branding is that you will be able to count on a consistently delivered experience, time after time. When you pop open a Coke. When you go to Disneyland. When you order the hanger steak at Les Halles. You don’t want someone to “do it their way” with their own special […]