Posts Tagged ‘marketing strategy’

Note to CMO: Three Examples of How Speed and Focus Win in Bad Times

Tweet Dear CMO: “For every pundit who proclaims that smart brands don’t cut marketing in bad economic times there are a thousand business owners who know differently.” But when should you listen to these pundits and actually increase your marketing spend in bad economic times? Here are three cases to consider: When our marketing puts […]

Note to CMO: Seven Rules for Creating Demand in Hard Times

Tweet Dear CMO: For every pundit who proclaims that smart brands don’t cut marketing in bad economic times there are a thousand business owners who know differently. Everything tightens up when demand is down and marketing is no exception. Why do we assume we shouldn’t cut marketing when everyone – including us! – is reducing […]

The Art of Strategic Shifting

Tweet Things have changed. Everyone feels differently about whatever it is you sell. Economic uncertainty makes people act differently, even when they used to buy lots of your stuff.  Your problems are now different problems. So your approach needs to strategically shift. My friend and favorite psychology bodhisattva, Dr. Steven Feinberg, writes at length about […]

Note to CMO: Home Court Advantage and 3 Rules for Successful Project Implementation

Tweet Dear CMO: Once upon a time, a very long time ago, I was a tennis player. In high school, our home courts were split between two locations. Our satellite courts were rough as sandpaper, which slowed the game down to a snail’s pace, and had nets with no center straps. They were 3’ 6” high the whole way across – […]

Note to CMO: Ten Ways to Optimize Returns on Integrated Marketing Campaigns Using the Social Psychology of Influence

TweetDear CMO: Just a “post-it” today, but an important one. Here’s 10 plus 1 on how to maximize your returns on integrated marketing campaigns by working smarter. 1. Gifts are always more valuable than rewards. Ask yourself what you can do for your target before you look for ways to profit from them. Can you […]