Posts Tagged ‘marketing’

Brand Tension + Why Being Known for One Thing Is Never Enough

TweetJoin us on Monday, March 28th at 8:00PM Eastern / 5:00PM Pacific for #MMChat on Twitter to discuss Brand Tension! “A lot of people said you can’t have a brand that is both luxury and irreverent. We disagreed.” Geoff Ross, founder of 42Below vodka. Conventional wisdom says that branding is all about leaving a single, […]

Killing Watson: Defeating Alien Intelligence by Questioning the Givens and Changing the Game

TweetMy eyes started darting when I realized what Watson was doing—preying on our cognitive blind spot and vacuuming the highest-value clues off the board before we had a chance to gain our sea legs. But my response surprised me—by my second match, I was doing the same thing. What do you do when confronted by […]

The Coming Logo Singularity: Starbucks and the Simplified Logo, Simplified

TweetIs it always about simplification? Always? I don’t think so. When we re-launch a logo, we do so for a lot of reasons. The current brand identity no longer fits who we’re turning into, perhaps because of new business opportunities or segments we’re getting into, or because it just looks dated and needs an upgrade. […]

Re-Labeling Isn’t Re-Branding (And Corn Sugar Is Still High Fructose Corn Syrup)

Tweet It’s not high fructose corn syrup, it’s “corn sugar” – you know, just like “cane sugar”! It sounds so close that it must be OK. But it’s not. It’s high fructose corn syrup called by another name. There is no such thing as global warming – it’s “climate change”! This gives us the needed […]

Why All (Bad) Marketing Research Is Wrong

Tweet The signs are there long before the damage is apparent to the naked eye. Cracks appear and we don’t see them for the impending disaster they are because we’re caught up in the here and now, accepting each new productivity device and cost-saving service as great leaps forward. But each has a cost and […]