Posts Tagged ‘influence’

Note to CMO: More on Developing “Trance States”

Tweet Dear CMO: I’ve got a new post up over at The Daily Fix on Creating Trance States – take a look if you haven’t seen it. The back story is that while installing a new printer over the weekend, I saw a vivid example of how one company deals with the timeless problem of what […]

Note to CMO: Moments of Power, Found and Lost

Tweet Dear CMO: I was sitting in a coffee shop yesterday with a colleague of mine – another influence strategist, as luck would have it – and we both watched an unfolding vignette that would go on to animate not only some of the best in social influence, but also how subtle nuances can fall […]

Note to CMO: What Else Testimonials Can Do

Tweet Dear CMO: You know what else testimonials can do? You already know that they help you close new customers because under conditions of uncertainty we always look to many similar others to help us figure things out. We “satisfice.” We go with the first acceptable answer and move on, because we’re really very busy. […]

Note to CMO: Seven Rules for Creating Demand in Hard Times

Tweet Dear CMO: For every pundit who proclaims that smart brands don’t cut marketing in bad economic times there are a thousand business owners who know differently. Everything tightens up when demand is down and marketing is no exception. Why do we assume we shouldn’t cut marketing when everyone – including us! – is reducing […]

Note to CMO: Buzz Happens When Scarcity Meets Authority

Tweet Dear CMO: We’ve talked often about how reciprocity and liking play into the signal strength of your social media and branding message. One area we haven’t discussed at length is the role of scarcity and it’s been hiding in plain sight as one of the most powerful tools in your online arsenal. Scarcity is […]