Posts Tagged ‘Herman Mashaba’

Build Your Army Now: Wikileaks, DKNY and 3 Ways to Prepare for Bad Social Media

Tweet  What a very bad week in social media teaches us about being prepared for the worst. Wikileaks is to the Obama administration what the Pentagon Papers were to Nixon. Embarrassing, probably not ground-breaking in and of themselves, but indicative of a lack of what we all surmised was lacking in the first place. How […]

Robin Li, Herman Mashaba and “Being One of Us”

Tweet  And now, the main event. In one corner, the reigning industry champion, weighing in at a few billion in revenue, with massive budgets, headcount and resources. In the other corner, the local favorite – considerably smaller, home grown, and a dangerous scrapper. The heavy weight versus “one of us.” My money’s on the little […]