Posts Tagged ‘youtube’

Everything Wrong with Marketing in 30 Seconds

Tweet  Why do we even make commercials anymore? Will it sell more burgers? Who can say. That’s frankly all that matters in the world of Jack In The Box advertising, as I’m sure their franchisees would agree. So let me briefly step into the somewhat unfamiliar role of Ad Critic – a sub-species of social […]

Note to CMO: One Sheet of Marketing Wisdom

TweetDear CMO: You may take a controversial stand some time at some point in your career. Disintermediate a long established channel by going direct, for example. Launch a product in a format or style long dominated by a chief competitor. Maybe launch an edgy ad campaign that the CEO’s mother doesn’t like. At all. All […]

Note to CMO: The Consumer as Art Critic (Not as Artist)

TweetDear CMO: I must have missed the memo. Can you tell me why everyone is asking their consumers to do their ads for them? Is this the new thing? Even Katie Couric is earnestly soliciting viewer input, sounding like a cross between one of those Sally Struthers infomercials and a Jerry Lewis telethon. Thank goodness […]