Posts Tagged ‘twitter’

The GAP Logo Fiasco: Lacking the Guts to Ignore Your Critics or a Model of Sloppy Work?

TweetI’m disappointed with GAP. I’m not sure exactly why, but regardless, I am. First of all, I like GAP. I like their look, their stores and their clothes. I’m wearing a GAP T right now (black, no pocket). But coming from twenty or so years of marketing for a living, often heading up departments of […]

Note to CMO: Why Twitter is Good for the NFL

TweetDear CMO: The NFL thinks Twitter is bad for business, which confuses me as a marketer. I need someone at the NFL to tell me why banning their players, coaches and operations personnel from using social media 90 minutes before games and until post-game is wrapped up makes sense for their brand. As marketers, we’re […]