Posts Tagged ‘strategic shifting’

Note to CMO: Seeing What Others Don’t See and Parking Your Car for $12 a Month

TweetDear CMO: I’m going to get this story slightly wrong because I forgot exactly where I heard it or read it, but hopefully the meaning will be clear enough. I’m sharing this with you for one big reason: if you squint at it and think of ways to apply it to what you’re doing, it […]

Note to CMO: Getting Unstuck

Tweet Dear CMO: You’re stuck. Admit it. Whatever you’ve been trying to do has ground to a halt and you’ve been staring at that same patch of dead air before your eyes for 20 minutes. You want to believe you’ll burst into action any second now, but the reality is, you won’t. Because you’re stuck. […]

The Art of Strategic Shifting

Tweet Things have changed. Everyone feels differently about whatever it is you sell. Economic uncertainty makes people act differently, even when they used to buy lots of your stuff.  Your problems are now different problems. So your approach needs to strategically shift. My friend and favorite psychology bodhisattva, Dr. Steven Feinberg, writes at length about […]