Posts Tagged ‘steven feinberg’

Note to CMO: Home Court Advantage and 3 Rules for Successful Project Implementation

Tweet Dear CMO: Once upon a time, a very long time ago, I was a tennis player. In high school, our home courts were split between two locations. Our satellite courts were rough as sandpaper, which slowed the game down to a snail’s pace, and had nets with no center straps. They were 3’ 6” high the whole way across – […]

Note to CMO: Up Cards, Down Cards, and How Texas Hold’em Teaches You Marketing

TweetDear CMO: In Texas Hold ‘Em, you’ve got up cards — ones that everyone can see — and down cards — the ones that are face down, that only you can see. Same as in marketing. We all have the obvious, the face-value, and the surface issues. I want performance. I want a lower cost. […]