Posts Tagged ‘Seth Godin’

Note to CMO: Red Cars, Accidents and Causality

TweetDear CMO: I swear I’m a Seth Godin fan. I don’t mean to take issue with everything he writes about, because I think his posts are thought provoking and almost always on target. Did you catch the “Apple’s Next Problem” post? Walking into a Starbucks, the author notes that out of five people observed, all […]

Note to CMO: Marketing Sameness in a Different Way

TweetDear CMO: Seth Godin’s Sunday post discusses (non) branding in an unbranded world, which he illustrates with a vignette from the mattress business. His point is that while many marketers are excited about entering an unbranded marketplace and attempting to create one, usually by outspending the field, they rarely succeed because their product — like […]