Posts Tagged ‘Project (RED)’

GAP, Project (RED) and Releasing Creativity

Tweet“GAP is a good example of a brand that really wasn’t doing anything interesting in the marketplace. And all of a sudden, there it was and it came from the soul of the company. We didn’t give it to them. I say this from having worked there for 10 years. That vibe and that passion […]

Note to CMO: 2008 and The End of The Year of Nonsense

TweetDear CMO: In the spirit of trying to show some type of direction for the new year, let’s see if we can put some body English on 2008 and see if we can steer ourselves onto firmer ground. Here are a small handful of fearless predictions for the new year. The Age of Nonsense will […]

Note to CMO: Judging Actions, Not Ads

TweetDear CMO: Sure, we talked this over at length last week but apparently we were ahead of the wave. I see that Ad Age sagely declared the failure of Project (RED) by virtue of its “meager” $18 million in contributions to combat AIDS and malaria in Africa. “Meager” when viewed next to the estimated $100 […]