Posts Tagged ‘Prizeotel’

Killing Watson: Defeating Alien Intelligence by Questioning the Givens and Changing the Game

TweetMy eyes started darting when I realized what Watson was doing—preying on our cognitive blind spot and vacuuming the highest-value clues off the board before we had a chance to gain our sea legs. But my response surprised me—by my second match, I was doing the same thing. What do you do when confronted by […]

How to Re-Invent Your Brand by Questioning the Givens

TweetMy friend and colleague at Decision Triggers, Dr. Steven Feinberg, would describe the art of questioning the givens as one of the strategic shifts that separate “advantage makers” – those business leaders who tackle seemingly insurmountable problems and come out ahead. Question the givens: a tutorial Ever notice how the world looks different when you’re […]