Posts Tagged ‘marketing research’

In Watson, IBM Has Found Its “Neil Armstrong” Statement

TweetIn the sweep of Giant Killer contests – Hollywood notwithstanding – it would be hard to imagine that humanity would come in second to a computer in the nuanced world of context, puns and trivia. So we have to give credit to the newest entry in the Killing Giants lexicon: Watson, from IBM. Last night, […]

New Research on Why We Pull for Upstart Brands

Tweet  We pull for the upstarts. We want to see the giant fall and the hero triumph. It’s a universal story told for timeless generations around the world. This story is the heart and soul of Killing Giants: 10 Strategies to Topple the Goliath In Your Industry and it gives us all timely – and […]

Why All (Bad) Marketing Research Is Wrong

Tweet The signs are there long before the damage is apparent to the naked eye. Cracks appear and we don’t see them for the impending disaster they are because we’re caught up in the here and now, accepting each new productivity device and cost-saving service as great leaps forward. But each has a cost and […]

Fast co.Design, The Gap + The Dying Art of Decision Making

Tweet“The real lesson of the Gap debacle: logos aren’t key anymore.” In a recent piece written in Fast Company’s co.Design blog, Ziba Design’s Steve McCallion suggests that we as businesspeople should move beyond the static confines of corporate identity and embrace the interactivity and textured nuance of social brand platforms, specifically using the Gap and […]

The GAP Logo Fiasco: Lacking the Guts to Ignore Your Critics or a Model of Sloppy Work?

TweetI’m disappointed with GAP. I’m not sure exactly why, but regardless, I am. First of all, I like GAP. I like their look, their stores and their clothes. I’m wearing a GAP T right now (black, no pocket). But coming from twenty or so years of marketing for a living, often heading up departments of […]