Posts Tagged ‘Fujitsu’

Note to CMO: Contrast Phenomenon, Authority and “Green”

TweetDear CMO: No, not Lewis Green — I mean “green”, as in the last post. Consider this a quick post-it attached to the previous memo. Lewis’ comment spurred another thought that warranted a separate piece, so I wanted to share it. The Fujitsu “biodegradable laptop” discussion is ripe for two approaches, both of which highlight […]

Note to CMO: Authority, Consensus, and Green Envy

TweetDear CMO: I’ve got a piece going up at The Daily Fix shortly on The “Green” Bandwagon. I could just as easily called this “Green Envy.” Or how about “Green Confusion”? Any or all of the above works. The point is that the groundswell of half-understood science and pop culture has propelled “green” into mainstream […]