Posts Tagged ‘Five Fingers’

How Barnes & Noble’s Nook Just Shifted the Playing Field: a Giant Killer In The Making?

Tweet  A minute ago, the Nook was an overpriced book reader from a traditional bookseller being beaten by its web-driven competitor that was late to the market anyway. Now, it’s a very attractive, cost-effective Android tablet – and did you know you could download all of Barnes & Noble’s books on it, too? From niche […]

Turning Revulsion Into Desire: Design Aesthetics, Just Noticeable Differences and Five Fingers Shoes

TweetTwenty years ago, tapping your Palm Pilot in public made you an object of derision. Now, we look askance at anyone who doesn’t use a smart phone. Ten years ago, wearing a Bluetooth headset was an act of self-absorption. “It looks like you’re talking to yourself.” (Yeah, I know. And I’m on the phone. So […]

Competing with Your Customers (Without Losing Them): Vibram Five Fingers

TweetJumping across the chasm from business-to-business component supplier to branded, finished goods marketer is a risky business. Not only do you find yourself playing in a radically different game, where consumer engagement drives your success, but you also must contend with the fact that your current OEM customers – the ones keeping your company afloat […]