Posts Tagged ‘Consulting’

The Power of Ritual + How to Tap It

TweetI had a quick Twitter exchange with Mark Oakes (@MarkOOakes) and Ted Coine (@tedcoine) last week that started with a simple question: “Beyond hiring right, how do you ensure change happens after you, as the consultant, have left?” Instilling change is more like chiropractic than surgery. It’s lots of small shifts and not one haymaker […]

Note to CMO: Home Court Advantage and 3 Rules for Successful Project Implementation

Tweet Dear CMO: Once upon a time, a very long time ago, I was a tennis player. In high school, our home courts were split between two locations. Our satellite courts were rough as sandpaper, which slowed the game down to a snail’s pace, and had nets with no center straps. They were 3’ 6” high the whole way across – […]