Posts Tagged ‘Coke’

The 3 Hidden Gems in the Pepsi Challenge: More Notes from My Conversation with Sergio Zyman

TweetMy interview with Sergio Zyman on the Pepsi Challenge is included in my upcoming book, Killing Giants: 10 Strategies to Topple the Goliath in Your Industry, to be published on March 31, 2011 by Portfolio. Join my advanced notice mailing list here.   “The brilliance of the strategy was that they were filming these people […]

Coke, Pepsi and Costco’s Alternative Girlfriend

TweetCoke won. I don’t care about the specifics, the back room negotiations or whatever happened in Kirkland. Coca Cola has won a resounding victory, not just in retail distribution but in branding, brand power and market muscle. Of the three players in this comic drama, Costco is cast as the petulant child who reluctantly is forced […]